Bulletin Board
May 12, 2024, 600 Yard Club Match
Had a really nice turnout for Desert Sharpshooter-ASRPA 600 yard inaugural Club match. We had very challenging conditions combined with the second match being 2 sighters with 7 second delay. Just over 20 shooters made this a full match for our 10 ShotMarkers. 2 relays were completed in 2 hours. Great for summer conditions.
Congrats to Peter Ricci taking first in Open followed by Chris Vlasis (great to see him shooting again) and Stan Brannin taking 3rd.
Gene Diehl took first in FTR followed by Kieth Davis taking 2nd.
Palma saw Mike Samer out Xing Ben Lucchesi with Nathen Funk taking the 3rd spot.
In Any/Any Phil Hayes shot a fantastic 396-20 to grab first place followed by Jess Mellon in 2nd and a much-improved Rob Nabower taking the 3rd spot.
Finally in Service rifle Bill Poole took first place and helped new shooter Art Johnson get things sorted out.
Looking forward to holding many more of these in the future. See you on the line at the next one June 9th.
January 2, 2023
Desert Sharpshooters Winter Smallbore League, December Match Results
To all the shooters who came out and shoot our second winter league match, A BIG THANK YOU.
We had thirteen shooters Sunday on the BASF smallbore range. It was not such beautiful Phoenix day (cool and overcast) but not as much wind as last month. Check out the results HERE.
Our winners were:
F-Class: Jim Murphy 1588-114
Sling: Rob Nabower 1589-90
Thanks again,
Nathan Funk, DSS Match Director
December 19, 2023
Desert Sharpshooters to Host 2024 NRA Metric Prone National Champiosnhip
The NRA has chosen the Desert Sharpshooters Rifle Club to host the 2024 NRA Metric Prone National Championship. The match will be held at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility's Smallbore Range on March 9th & 10th. You can find the program to the match HERE and can register online HERE. Also don't forget to check out the other March Smallbore matches at Ben Avery, including the Western Wildcat. Check them out HERE.
December 8, 2023
AZ Game and Fish Commission Honors Middleton Tompkins
At the December 8, 2023 AZ Game and Fish Commission meeting, Middleton Tompkins was recognized by the Commission for his lifelong accomplishments and dedication to the shooting sports. Mid was joined by his wife Nancy, step-daughters Michelle and Sherri Jo, and Grandson Malachi when he received his recognition.
December 5, 2023
AZ State Palma Championships
Beautiful weather and conditions made for a wonderful match. Thank you to all of the shooters that traveled from across the US and Canada to take part in the match. View the full results Here. Congratulations to the winners;
Oliver Milanovic - Palma
Damon Martin- F-Open
Alan Barnhart- F-TR
November 27, 2023
AZ State Long Range Championships
This past weekend consisted of some tough conditions and Ben Avery showed its teeth. This target tells the story of the conditions during the match, not bad waterline, but boy was it windy. View the full results Here. Congratulations to the winners;
Oliver Milanovic - Sling
Bryan Blake - F-Open
Matthew Schwartzkopf - F-TR
November 22, 2023
Winter Smallbore League
12 participants came out for the November match last Sunday. It was a beautiful Phoenix fall day with enough wind to make it challenging (except for Jim Murphy the F-class winner who only dropped two points ). View the full results HERE.