Club Match Results

July 14th, 2024 

Ben Avery E Target Club July 600 Match Scores.pdf
July 600 match breakdown.docx

July 4th, 2024 

Ben Avery E Target Club July Match Scores.pdf


19 brave souls showed up for the inaugural Heat Stroke 1000-yard Pair Fire Challenge. This match is made possible by a joint effort of the ASRPA (Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association) who purchased the ShotMarker targets for our use. Also thanks to the Desert Sharpshooters Rifle Club for providing everything else.

In F Open Bryan Blake took first place with Joe Cordiero next in 2nd. Captain Dan Bramley Creedmooring Katie Blankenship for 3rd.

FTR had Al Barnhart taking 1st place followed by John JMO Moreali in 2nd and Eryk Mann taking 3rd place.

Palma was won by Mike Kelly shooting an amazing 294-9 at 1000 yards with his 223 Palma rifle! Only dropping 6 points in tricky conditions at 1000 is impressive. Ben Luchessi  grabbed 2nd and Mike Samer took 3rd.

Thanks to all the shooters that showed up and made this a fun match on a tough day.


June 9, 2024

Copy of Ben Avery E Target Club June Match Scores.pdf

Thanks to everyone that showed up today for our 2nd Monthly E Target club match! We did have a couple of hiccups, one with the wi-fi and one target was acting strange. That is part of the learning curve with electronic targets, and I appreciate everyone’s patience as we learn together how to best handle these issues as they pop up. 

In F Open Allen Graham drove over from California and shot an excellent 399-25X! First time he has ever shot at Ben Avery too. Chuck Dittrick shot a 398-17X for 2nd place and Joe Cordeiro shot a 396-17X for 3rd.

In FTR Gene Diehl shot a 393-15X for 1st place. John Moreali shot a 392-14X.for 2nd and Eryk Mann took 3rd place with a 391-16X and would have won if he hadn’t turned his scope the wrong way LOL. Been there, done that.

Mike Kelly showed up thinking it was just practice and ended up showing the Palma guys how it’s done with a 397-21X. Ben (would forget my head if it wasn’t attached to my shoulders) Lucchesi picked up 2nd with a 385-20X. Nathen Funk got 3rd with a 383-8X.

In Any/Any Phil Hayes once again showed who’s boss with a 392-17X. Jess Mellon shot a 388-14X for 2nd place and Chriss Hawk got 3rd with a 375-11X.

Joel Sylvia turned in the only Service rifle score card with an excellent 392-14X.

Looking forward to next month’s match. I am working on getting the scores calculated sooner so we can announce them in the pits before people leave. Also working on awards of some type that won’t break the bank. Thanks for your patience. See you next month!


May 12, 2024

Had a really nice turnout for Desert Sharpshooter-ASRPA 600 yard inaugural Club match. We had very challenging conditions combined with the second match being 2 sighters with 7 second delay. Just over 20 shooters made this a full match for our 10 ShotMarkers. 2 relays were completed in 2 hours. Great for summer conditions.

Congrats to Peter Ricci taking first in Open followed by Chris Vlasis (great to see him shooting again) and Stan Brannin taking 3rd.

Gene Diehl took first in FTR followed by Kieth Davis taking 2nd.

Palma saw Mike Samer out Xing Ben Lucchesi with Nathen Funk taking the 3rd spot.

In Any/Any Phil Hayes shot a fantastic 396-20 to grab first place followed by Jess Mellon in 2nd and a much-improved Rob Nabower taking the 3rd spot.

Finally in Service rifle Bill Poole took first place and helped new shooter Art Johnson get things sorted out.

Looking forward to holding many more of these in the future. See you on the line at the next one June 9th.
